伸缩门的养护与维修 |
添加时间:2019/11/7 15:45:03 浏览次数: |
养护与维修 Maintenance and maintenance 自动伸缩门的使用寿命与日常的正确使用、合理养护、及时维修有密切关系: The service life of automatic telescopic door is closely related to proper use, reasonable maintenance and timely maintenance. 1、电动伸缩门电源必须架设专线,严禁与其它电器并用。 1, electric telescopic door power supply must set up special line, strictly prohibit the use with other electrical appliances. 2、产品在安装牢固、经调试合格后方能使用。 2, the product can be used firmly after installation and after being qualified. 3、控制盒必须安装在干燥、通风的位置,严禁靠近大功率无线电器材,避免影响正常工作。使用控制按键时,不要用力过大、过猛,避免损坏。 3, control box must be installed in a dry and ventilated position, and no access to high-power radio equipment is strictly prohibited, so as to avoid affecting normal work. When using the control button, do not overexert and overdo it to avoid damage. 4、门体运行时,导轨上严禁人员及车辆停留。操作人员应随时留视门体运行情况,以免发生意外。 4, when door body is running, people and vehicles should not be stopped on the guideway. Operators should keep watch on the operation of door body at any time, so as to avoid accidents. 5、轨道内应经常清扫,以免杂物堆积影响运行。 5, track should be cleaned regularly, so as not to accumulate debris and affect operation. 6、驱动器每年至少要加注一次润滑脂,链条应经常加注润滑油,并检查各部件磨损情况,磨损严重的机件要及时维修或更换。 6, the driver should add the grease at least once a year. The chain should often add lubricating oil and check the wear and tear of each component. The machine should be repaired or replaced in time. 7、推拉电动伸缩门时,开、关轻、缓,禁止猛推猛拉,造成损坏。 7, push pull electric retractable door, open and close, slow light, no damage to tug. 8、产品出现故障时,请及时通知专业维修人员进行维修;非专业人员不得擅自打开,否则,视为主动放弃保修权利。 8, when the product fails, please notify the professional maintenance personnel to repair it in time; non professional personnel shall not open it without authorization. Otherwise, it is considered to give up the right of warranty on the initiative. 9、故障产品凭产品保修卡享受免费保修(人为或自然灾害除外)。 9, the failure product is guaranteed by product warranty card free of charge (except for man-made or natural disasters). |
上一页 电动伸缩门所采用的电机系特殊的专用涡轮蜗杆式电机 |
下一页 自动伸缩门原理——电路原理 |
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